& Video

Think of Moving Image like a suitcase of information communication, creating a powerful translation method to get your message across!

Video Production

Animated Explainer

2d Animation

The Process

Throughout the development process each variation will be analysed against the attributes, target market and delivery method. This constant analysis will ensure all motion pictures communicate the right message to the right people.


What exactly do you want?

We will arrange a meeting to discuss all your ideas, thoughts and plans. Here we will create a plan for the motion development.


Visual Approach

We will create a story board and design style guide including colours, fonts and assets. This will create a foundation for the picture.

completion Progression


We will share the developing artwork directly with you when each planned milestone is achieved, until the project is finished.


Artistic Video


Public Moving Image Projects

Tickets Giveaway

Dont Lose Signal With The Real World
How Do I Become An Agent?

Castle Creativity Promo:
Digital Marketing Agency
How Does Network Work For Agents?
How Do I Scrap My Car?

“In this experimental work I focus on bring to light relevant topics using the power of art. A lot of my work in this section is very different to my usual stuff. I aim to use art in such a way it creates a lasting effect on the audience while delivering the correct information to support.”


Some elements of the work below are missing, such as; music, intro, outro etc. This is due to the fact these are NOT finished pieces but cancelled or half-finished jobs.


Ex Won’t Change

This piece of work was meant to be for a campaign that encouraged people aged between 20 and 50 to upgrade their phone to the latest releases. The idea is based on an older phone opening an app and crashing.

No Spark

We was approached by a client and tasked with creating a tinder like video for phone upgrades. Before the artwork could move onto the next stages of the design the job was cancelled.

Seeing Your Ex

This piece of work didn’t make it far past the first initial design. The idea is based on a conversation based on the topic of a girls EX. The video tries to push the idea of moving onto a new phone upgrade.