Unfinished Work

Some elements of the work below are missing, such as; music, intro, outro etc. This is due to the fact these are NOT finished pieces but cancelled or half finished jobs.


Ex Won’t Change

This piece of work was meant to be for a campaign that encouraged people aged between 20 and 60 to upgrade their phone to the latest releases. The idea is based on an older phone opening an app and crashing. It is then surrounded by all these new phones with all the new features on. This work never progressed due to a payment issue with the client.

No Spark

I was approached by a client and tasked with creating a tinder like video for phone upgrades. Before the artwork could move onto the next stages of the design the job was cancelled.

Seeing Your Ex

This piece of work didn’t make it far past the first initial design. The idea is based on a conversation based on the topic of a girls EX. The video tries to push the idea of moving onto a new phone upgrade.

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